Monday, March 31, 2008

Greetings from Down Under!

Well, as you can see, I haven't made any posts from Australia. Don't worry, I'm alive! :-p

We have had a very hard time with the internet, things work a bit differently down here than at home, so it's been frustrating at times. I have found a very weak connection (cannot upload pictures), so I thought that I'd post an update very quickly. I'll have to get into more detail later.

We're having a good time, enjoying so many things that Australia has to offer! I have taken a gazillion pictures, done a few caches, and have the potential for tons of waymarks if I can organize them all when I get home. We've seen lots of neat animals, traveled a bit, and have great tans and lots of sand in funny places. The beaches here are some of the most beautiful I have ever visited. We had a very nice time visiting friends/family towards the beginning of the trip and now we're going up the coast towards Cairns (we'll see if we make it!).

I have about 4 more caches until I hit my 1200th, so hopefully that will happen in a day or so. I'm excited to make a milestone down here. We're also planning to let loose a TB while here, with a keychain that we have yet to buy (perhaps a boomerang or a kangaroo), with the goal to travel a bit and then come back home to us. Here is the TB page (it has minimal info at the moment): On Walkabout

I have been keeping up on my blog posts on my laptop every day, and plan to post them all when I get home. It will be late for them, but they will be real and immediate since I'm doing this as we go along. They will just be posted later so you can see everything then. Hopefully I'll get to that soon after coming home, depending on how long it takes to recover from the trip. I may do the posts slowly over time as I can (lots of pictures to upload!). This is the best that I've done keeping up a travel log, so we're happy!

G'day y'all, and see you soon from on top!


Bob said...


Good to hear (finally) from you. Sounds like y'all are having a great time. Can't wait to see the updates and photos on your return home. Praying for all of you!


Bob said...

...and WELCOME HOME!!!

Ambrosia said...

Thank you sweetie!!!

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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."