So in the meantime, I'm posting about some upcoming Events. Both happen on the same weekend, which I suppose is a good thing, although after how I've reacted so badly to Vancouver (I've gotten so sick that I'm on antibiotics at the moment, which doesn't seem to be helping yet), I'm a bit afraid of this next big weekend. Frankly, I know I shouldn't go and I don't want to when I think of the fear of being so sick, but then I think of what I'd be missing and I inanely plug ahead.
The first Event is Meet & Greet Groundspeak & Garmin in Seattle, on Saturday 1/26/08. I was so disapointed to miss the unveling in NV, but was happily surpised when they posted this similar Event in Seattle for less than I month later. All41 and I witnessed the first sneak peek wherigo unveiling at Groundspeak in April of 2006, and when we went to Groundspeak last December we got to play with wherigo outside for a bit. So I really want to be there for this official wherigo unveiling. I don't believe that I'll be into wherigo hugely, although I can see it's potential uses, while All41 thinks it's tremendous. But I love anything Groundspeak, so I want to be a part of it all. There are already 70 signed up for it, and if you times that by two, you've got 140 attending, potentially.
I'm just wondering if this guy's going to be there:
The second Event is Floating the Skagit, on Sunday 1/27/08. Here is the forum thread discussing the Event. My husband is hosting this, which means he took care of the whole boating end, and I've done all the rest of the work. It consumed a good portion of several days to work on the cache page, the forum thread, who had already signed up and who was signing up. I stayed up late, I kept falling asleep on myself while typing no matter what time of day it was. It's sort of a fuzzy memory. The most important thing to me was that I didn't mess something up because I couldn't see through my sleep blurred eyes, or because my brain was smooshy. I'd told 'Tudles that I was done with Events for a while after hosting 3 in a row this fall. So how did I get suckered into this one? Lol. This is our third GeoRafting Event (besides all the other rafting groups we've taken out over the years), so I guess we're old pros. Hopefully it will be a great trip.
It looks like we're planning on staying at my brother Zephyr's for the weekend in Seattle. I'll see what I can drag him to, hopefully at least the Garmin/Groundspeak Event. If I crash after that Event, I can stay at his place on Sunday and rest while everyone goes up to the Skagit for the float, although I really hope that I can go.
Speaking of's an interesting factoid: in the past 4 months, (not including the caches I did on the CM), I've been to 7 Events and to 7 caches. Even adding the CM caches (I really don't know how many) at perhaps 25 or 30, that's still a strong leaning over on the Events side, more than usual for me.
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